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Friday, May 19, 2006

Driving Adsense Targetted Traffic

Most of the webmasters who are new to the Adsense way of making money are primarily focussed on driving traffic to their pages.Nothing wrong with that intention, would be anyone's say.But look closely, and you will understand it all.

The money Google pays you is partly based on the CTR(Click Through Rate), that is the number of times out of hundred impressions of the page, the user clicks on the ads. That means if you were able to get a click 1 in 50 times rather than 1 in 100 times, that means you are likely to earn a higher value for the same one click.

So what does this mean? Shouldn't you be keeping the number of visitors to your page as minimum as possible? That is why I said it is a wrong strategy if webmasters work on increasing traffic to your site. Instead, you should be working on increasing Adsense- targetted traffic to your sites.

How do you differentiate between the two kinds of traffic? There is one way and only you,as a webmaster can do it. Look, where you are promoting your site. Traffic to site can be done in a lot of ways : Search Engines,Email Marketing, Forums, to also using sites like trafficswarm. Which of the above do you think will let your Adsense Campaign Down?

Firstly, Search Engines. Nobody has any problem with it. You get ranked well only if you have really good content and so people coming to your site through SEs are perfectly good for Adsense.

Forums. This depends on what kind of forums you use to publicize your site( by way of using your URL in the Signature). If you are on a webmaster's forum like Webmasterworld, you need not give out your site URL, as it will only invite curious webmasters to see how you have designed your site. Not good for your CTR. You may ofcourse, use it once in a while to discuss issues with other webmasters, but the perfect forum for you to publicize your site will be your content related ones, where, if you can get yourself to be seen as an expert in the field, it will help many targetted visitors to your site.

Email Marketing: This is perfect if the signed up members are those who signed up from your site. That helps in keeping the traffic intact. Otherwise, if you SPAM email groups, not only will you incur the wrath of the moderators, the traffic you get also will be only curious visitors not directly content targetted.

Finally, Traffic Generators. Absolute waste of effort if your focus is Adsense money. Traffic generated through such sites are simply to come and exit, because the visitors here are paid for visiting each of the sites for 10 seconds or so. You might also have to waste time in visiting other sites, which you can better utilize by building good content for your site.

Hope you had a good understanding what kind of traffic you need to generate. However,as any webmaster will tell you, you can get really targetted traffic only as you keep building your site. Imagine a site with a thousand pages of information. Even a three four page visit by each of the visitors would get you the targetted traffic, the necessary clicks and what more you could be earning thousands from Adsense.

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