FREE content - the secret to traffic
No matter how much you earn, or how much you want to, one thing that is very characteristic about most of us here is that we are very eager to use things for free. That is why most of us look for a free e-book, free money making ideas.
Google too has made it to the top only using this concept of providing software for free. So, how should you make use of this strategy to make money for yourself. Remember that, it is okay if you use free content, but never dilute the quality of your site with such content. You shall miss terribly on your search engine rankings with duplicate content.
So, if your site only provides paid content, be it membership to some association or a product, still provide something free. That is not affordable, I know. But then, look around the net and you will find lots of free content in your niche available. Make use of those that permit republishing or make similar content and let that out for free. Remember that free content always reaches the masses much more freely, and so does a word about your site.
This way, use free content to find some traffic. This traffic,might also turn to be window shoppers who use content when it is for free but shy out if asked to pay, but then this traffic will atleast pay you in Adsense revenue or atleast a bit publicity, something you should not stop trying out.
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