Same webpage layout - Bad for Adsense
Webmasters who are tired of designing the pages, often find it easy to have one single layout of the webpage in their HTML editor. And each time they make a new page, simply copy paste the content to the area on the page bookmarked for content.
While this is a very simple and easy way, it does, in my opinion bring down the effectiveness of your ads. This is because, I see that repeat visitors grow very much aware of where your ads are. This is turn means that Adsense blindness grows in these repeat visitors that they no longer actually look at that part of your webpage.
So, I would suggest that instead of one standard webpage layout, have a few dozen of them so that you can keep randomy choosing one of these page layouts. You should this way create this 'Where is the ad?' question in the minds of the visitor so that he inadvertently looks into the ad, and hence helping you increase your clicks.
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