Marketing your website
How would you choose how you market your website? To know that, first a self introspection of the website is necessary. Is your website is a large 5000 page or more one or a micro site with less than 50 pages. Now, large websites will take care of themselves in getting traffic through search engines. It is the small site webmasters who have to strive to sustain the traffic they need to receive.
That is why marketing the websites becomes extremely important for the small website owners. Now, as was previously said, a liitle introspection of the website is required. Is your site a content site or a money spinner through affiliate marketing. A content site, is again more poularized through link building with related content sites. But, for affiliate marketing, you should remember that very few actually come to Google and search for Affiliate Website. And even if they do, it is very less likely that you earn the top spots with your fifty odd pages website.
So, to earn your website traffic, you should think of things that will get a general internet user get curious to click on your ad. Does your website offer FREE offers?Does your website help your user make MONEY? These kind of words get automatic attention, and are most likely to get an internet visitor to click on your ad.
This is where ad exchange websites come handy. You can probably exchange your ad with other websites so that this displays your ad and you display theirs. That way, both can expect to corner a visitor.
What is the one thing you need to remember when using this particular strategy? Now, since you both partner without compromising on your individual profits, you should remember to go through your partner's website and make your website such a way that it looks more appealing and attracting to the visitor. This is the only way to ensure that the visitor both of you partner to corner falls in your net and not into his.
There is however one form of advertising that is independent of this. That is pop-up screens. Now since Popups appear independent from the original webpage, both of you can expect to corner that one visitor. Also, popups can be made profitable by display on any website, and not just related content websites. So, as long as you can make it attractive and appealing, do not forget to try this form of advertising and see if it works for you.The bottomline of any advertising is,as it is said, keep trying.
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