Sudden increase in number of clicks
It happened to me sometime back. One of my website averages around 130 clicks a day. But that particular day, I had almost double the number of clicks, something around 250. This is definitely a possibility if probably a new ad is starting to be displayed which is very targetted and hence the increase in the number of clicks.
But it is definitely not advisiable for you, in case you too encounter a similar situation to relish on the double the money that you have made or, in case you are worried about click fraud, to check out if this repeats or not.
Google has always been instinctive sometimes and not the other times. So, it is always advisable to contact Google when you suspect something can go wrong. In my case, I wrote to them that I fear something wrong might have been the case of huge clicks. Google looked into the issue and retrieved a few dollars back, and that issue was over by then.
But imagine what could have happened if I had waited till the end. Probably nothing might have happened. Or probably, I might have also been banned. But, contacting Google as a way of safe measure is always welcome.
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