Tracking your visitors
It is extremely important to track the visitors who come to your websites. The success of your website will depend on how you adapt to your visitor's taste and needs.
Now, say your content is hugely accessed by visitors from England rather than USA. Then it would make sense if you start your content in British English. This is not the only thing. This tracking can also give you an insight into how you give instances. For example, if your visitors are predominantly from the South Asian region for your mathematics related website, you would move closer with your visitors if the examples you take are understood by them. For example, you could give examples on Cricket or Tennis rather than baseball. This would get them comfortable with your website, and you can expect them to comeback.
There are a lot of softwares to track your website traffic Websites liks sitemeter, Statcounter offer free count, including minor details like the browser used, referring URL etc. These info help you understand what you need to adapt to. If your visitor traffic is mostly from Internet Explorer browser, you need to make sure that your website is IE compatible.
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