How many Adsense blocks
Click through rate is one of the significant factors that Google Adsense looks into while awarding you your earning per click. And for a given number of impressions that your website makes, this CTR reduces with the increasing number of ad blocks that you have.
Hence it is always advisable to have the optimum number of ad blocks that reap out the maximum earning for you. This is decided by the content you have and also by trial and error. If your webpage is a lengthy one, then it amounts to your website visitor taking a much longer look at your website and scrolling down. In this case, you could possibly have one 728X90 ad block at the prime area at the top. Also, you can add one more unit at the side pane, which could be visible right through till the end of the page. However, you can reduce the number of ad blocks depending on your success rate with each of these ad blocks.
Sometimes, an ad block right inside the content page brings you clicks. Keep trying and bring the ad block number to one which earns you the maximum amount per page.
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